Lindsay, Rachel and Sini
With the first bits of warm weather, we can finally say it.....we ran through the whole long, snowy winter!!! Everyone said it couldn't be done. Or they thought we were crazy. Or maybe they thought we were lying. But we did it!! 3 times a week, my friends, Lindsay and Rachel and I met in our many layers of clothes and ran Harvest Hills and all of it's little ins and outs. We inhaled the icy air, sloshed through the slush, got covered in falling snow, slipped on icy sidewalks and streets, and fumbled over ice chunks in the dark mornings, but we did it!
In the fall we decided that during the winter is when we need the exercise the most and that we would keep going through the winter no matter what. It wasn't always easy, but we actually stayed pretty warm and of course there was always good conversation. Thanks girls for being so strong and dependable- it has been fun! Every morning now seems to get lighter and warmer........and we are definitely ready for it!
Can two brothers look more different? I always buy the same shirts for the boys if I really like them, but I usually don't have them wear them on the same day. Lately, they want to wear the same one......and Elliott is the initiator! I think it's pretty cute, looking the same for a change. Just by looking at them, you can't see too many similarities, but they both sound the same to me sometimes. I can't tell in the mornings which one is calling, "Mom!" for me to come and get them. (Elliott hardly ever comes out of his bed unless I get him!) And when they are crying and whining I can't really tell at first either. It will be interesting to see how they both look when they are older.
ollie looks like you sini and Elliott looks like Adam. By the way when I showed Kade the pictures of your family........ guess what he said, "thats the boy that threw a rock at me!" Too funny!
Oh, I am just so jealous that you guys stuck it out through the winter...wish I could say I exercised all winter long!! Good job...maybe I will have to catch up to you girls as the weather warms up! =)
Hey Sini- I am glad that we found each other, even though we live about 5 miles from each other! You have the cutest little family ever! We have to keep in touch! Sometime when Misty comes up we should get together. do you know where Nanette or Tara is?
Crazy ladies! I did not know that you were out doing that, probably because I was snuggling in my bed with hot cocoa! I am impressed :) I am excited to start running again now that it is getting warmer, maybe we will see each other on the road! I am glad you started a blog so we can keep in touch, ya know since you live a whole neighborhood away :)
Way to go! I didn't know you guys were doing that either. I am way impressed. I don't have that much dedication- but I need to.
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