Sunday, May 18, 2008

Movie Reviews

We watched a couple of movies this weekend (I know- we're super exciting...) so I thought I'd do a review of them and some others I've recently seen:
Lars and the Real Girl- (rented) This was a funny, sweet movie. It wasn't at all like I expected. I even cried (of course.) It had a really great message too.
Iron Man- Better than I thought it would be. Even after all the neighbors told us how great it was, I still wasn't convinced I would like it. The only reason we ended up watching was because of our Friday night baby-sitting group- we had a baby-sitter, time was ticking and it was the only movie that would fit into our schedule. It had funny parts and I think Robert Downey Jr. was the perfect guy for it. 
Baby Mama- I love Tina Fey and Amy Poehler- who were the stars of the movie.  It was sweet and had it's funny moments, but it seems like I had already seen every funny part from the previews. This made it not as good as I thought- but it was still good. 
Who Killed the Electric Car?- (rented) This was a documentary and I still can't believe it really happened!! I never knew anything about the electric cars, so it was pretty eye opening. It is a must see if you haven't seen it yet. 
Across the Universe- (rented) I looooved this movie because I love the Beatles. It stars Jim Sturgess, who may be one of favorite new actors.The longer the movie played, the more artsy it got. Plus- I just wish real life could be like a musical. For my boys it is.....:) I also went and got the soundtrack, which is fun.
21- I really liked it. It was interesting, funny and suspenseful. Plus Jim Sturgess was in it!
Juno- Loved the whole thing. The soundtrack was great (Belle and Sebastian and other greats.) The humor was quick and clever. And I loved the actors- they were all perfect. 
Vantage Point- I had no expectations going into it, so it was pretty entertaining. Lots of blood and guts though- so not my favorite. 
Horton Hears a Who- A fun take on the old classic. My boys loved it too. 

What I've learned from this post is- 
1. I love going to the movies.
2. I'm not that hard to please (as long as it isn't scary, vulgar or mean.)
3. I like sweet, funny movies- which I would see more of if Adam were game.
4. I love having a baby-sitting group. I watch 8 kids one Friday a month and then I get free baby-sitting for my kids 3 Fridays a adults!! It's the best thing ever! We always used to go to the movies and then we had kids. We actually took Elliott when he was a baby because he would just fall asleep. Then he started to run around and that was the end of that. It seemed like we went for a few years without seeing any adult movies (in theaters) at all- so it's fun to go again. 


{leah} said...

I really liked 21 it made me want to go to Vegas adn try my hand at counting cards. Thanks for the recommendations I'll have some alone time soon and I'll need some movies to watch. We saw PS I Love You this weekend and I really liked that one.

lindsey v said...

I still really want to see Lars and the Real Girl. Maybe I'll go rent it tonight.

Lindz said...

Wow!! I can't believe that you guys saw that many movies this weekend!! I'm impressed that you & Adam can agree on what movies to see...Jeremiah & I can NEVER agree and that is why we NEVER go to the movies!! Ha!!

sinika said...

We only saw 2 movies this weekend, the rest were in the last few months!!

tammy said...

I love movies too and need to see some of the ones you listed. I really liked Iron Man and Baby Mama and 21 too. I am so excited for Indiana Jones!

tammy said...

By the way, I just read all of your blog and your boys are so cute. You have such a cute little family!

MiStY said...

So how can I get signed up for the babysitting group? That would be so rad!!! I can so dito the last part about going to the movies alot when you were first married and then even taking the first munchkin for awhile and then the first time he didn't sleep through it he was a pain in the neck huh :o)I'm pretty sure it was about 2 years for me to not go to a movie until last month... what the?? Is ironman a kid show? Maybe we'll make it to that one. Good blog I liked it.

Amy said...

Thanks for the great reviews. You've given me a list of movies to get to help entertain Cody over the next few weeks. THANKS!

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