My mom called and left a message on my phone the other day (since I never seem to have it by me when anyone calls...) and said something like, "Hi Sini, sorry I missed you. I hope you're at least doing something useful, like taking a nap. Call me back."
I love that she thinks taking a nap is useful, because so do I! She is the one who always told me to rest when I was younger. A friend once called me some mean names when I was just little, (I think to be exact it was "you're just a sleeping hog..." Did I mention I've always liked to eat too?? ;) ) because instead of playing, sometimes I just wanted a nap. And when I was in high school, I would wake up at 5:00 to run for the cross-country team before school, go to school, run after school and then work my job at Wal-Mart until late at night, just to start it all over again the next day. So many a Sunday, my Mom would tell me to go catch up on my sleep. Loved it. No wonder I feel sad for my boys when they go to bed too late or miss a nap. Oh how I love a nap still. I wonder if I'll ever grow out of it...
Wow! Do you still run morning and night?
Ha ha, she always told me I slept too much. :)
Wow--that sounds like my kind of girl!
Naps are the best! Your mom sounds really sweet.
Moms are the best, encouraging one to nap is definitely fabulous advice!
Sinika, So fun to see pics of you guys. Your boys are DARLING! Elliott looks JUST like Adam and Oliver like you, I love it! I didn't get your email address on the comment you sent. I'd love to keep touch.
Yeah, you sleeping hog! There you go again, hogging all the sleep!
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