Lots of teeth! Between 8 and 9 months, he got his top 3 teeth, with another bottom one out yesterday and another top coming any day. Total of 6 so far. Lots of drool and fussy sleeps, but so cute. Standing up. He pulls himself up on everything and just wants to stand. He's way too little for this!!! He's perfected the army crawl. He can get around so fast. I keep trying to put him in crawling position, which is how he usually starts out anyway, but then he just flops to his belly and pulls. Standing in the crib. We had to lower his crib in the middle of the night a while back (and when I say we, I mean Adam...) for fear he would fall out when he kept waking up every hour (teeth?). This was before we lowered it. Just another baby step. I still think he is too small for a low crib! Walking and walking and walking. He wants to go all day. Elliott was the same way and was walking by 11 months with one hand. Linc is like Mumble on Happy Feet when he starts out because he's so excited he does a little shuffle and squeal- so cute! I really could eat those chubby leggies. I miss them being bundled for the winter. This boy can EAT! He downs his baby food- it doesn't matter which kind. I've never had a kid be so... HUNGRY. He wants to eat everything I'm eating. Now if I could just get him drinking from a sippy cup... I love having a nine month old. It is such a fun baby age. He's jabbering a lot now. He loves to wave to himself in the mirror and at people who wave to him. He shakes his head back and forth to be funny. He laughs at "This Little Piggy" and "Patty Cake". He still lets anyone hold him, but now he likes to be held all the time, unless he's walking. We love our little Linc so much. He is growing way too fast. I am trying to treasure every second with him. It's weird because I keep getting glimpses of him when he's a big boy- like little flashes. It makes me want to hug and kiss his babyness all day long. We love you baby boy!
Very cute post! I love all the pictures. I wish I would have done month by month pictures, good idea. I especially love the ones of him by your back sliding door...way cute! He is such a good looking boy. You are going to have a hard time keeping all the girls away from all your cute boys!!
Sini! He is so, so, so adorable! Love his little baby hawk - couldn't be any cuter. I can't believe all the teeth...what a little man! Wish Linc and Lyla could meet....maybe someday!
What a cutie! Babies grow up too fast! I bet that carseat is awfully hard to carry now.
Such a cutie little cuterpants!
Very cute post! I love all the pictures. I wish I would have done month by month pictures, good idea. I especially love the ones of him by your back sliding door...way cute! He is such a good looking boy. You are going to have a hard time keeping all the girls away from all your cute boys!!
Sini! He is so, so, so adorable! Love his little baby hawk - couldn't be any cuter. I can't believe all the teeth...what a little man! Wish Linc and Lyla could meet....maybe someday!
Miss you!
Oh they do grow too fast!!! He is a cutie!!!
I cant believe he is that old already, that time flew by!
I love your family picture at the top of your blog. SOOO freakin cute!
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