I LOVE having seasons in our little state of Utah. I really love the air when I can feel and smell that a new season is on it's way... I get so excited! So here we are in the midst of our long, cold winter so I thought I 'd list the advantages to all of our beautiful snow:
*SNOWBOARDING- LOVE it! Me and my friend, Jessica decided in high school that we were going to learn how to snowboard- even though I had skied since I was little. It is so much fun- and I never skied downhill again. Now it seems like I'm either pregnant or have a newborn that can't be left for a whole day, so I go entire winters without snowboarding- this winter being one of them. :( Hopefully we'll teach our boys and I'll go with them someday too.
*CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING- This will always be in my blood since I have a little Finnish Mom...
*SNOWSHOEING- Hiking in the winter? It's as beautiful as hiking in the summer and you actually stay really warm.
*SLEDDING- Our backyard has a perfect little slope and you can do a short run or a long run. Elliott is into it this year and maybe next year Ollie will get the hang of it.
*SNOWMEN- So fun to create your own little snow person and see him watching for you when you've been out running errands. And then see how long it takes for him to melt...
*SHOVELING SNOW- Sometimes it's a drag, but most of the time I think it's a great workout.
*BUILDING TUNNELS AND FORTS- I can see the possibilities in this, although I haven't done it too much. I can see many years of building to come in our family, so I'd better hop on board.
*ICICLES- So pretty. My boys point out every icicle in every shape we see around town. They like to hold them if they can reach to take them off (like a car or mailbox.) And Ollie likes to watch them shatter on the ground as he throws them.
*TASTING FRESH POWDER- I don't really do this anymore, but I distinctly remember doing it when I was little. I always see my boys doing it now, so I had to educate them on "snow eating manners."
*HOT CHOCOLATE- I don't ever drink hot chocolate in the warmer months, but we find every excuse to have it during the snowy days, especially if we have been outside playing. And usually all those neighbor gifts keep us stocked through the whole winter! ;)
*CUTE MITTENS, HATS and SCARVES- I love having the excuse to bundle up in these!
*CHRISTMAS LIGHTS- I love when Christmas lights are accessorized with the snow- they both complement each other so well.
*NO YARD WORK- I love working in my yard, but I think I would go crazy if I had to do it the entire year. It's good to have a break and just look at the beautiful snow... and not worry about weeds and watering.
So there's my list. I think we have so much to do in our winters here in Utah. I am the first to admit that it should all be gone by March (in time for Spring of course!) but I need to take advantage of all of the fun things winter brings too. Here are some fun pictures of my boys playing to their hearts' content. Let it Snow!
Snow Tunnels
Rolling a Snowman
His pants and coat are soaked and he didn't even care!