Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Here's another baby shirt I might have a hard time getting rid of someday. I think this was one of my little brother, Mikey's too. I love it. I couldn't decide on one picture- Baby Lincoln is just too cute!

I love how he's sucking on this apple- he loves them.
(Oh! That chubby wrist!)

Here are some pics of Elliott with the cowboy shirt when he was 4 months old. (Jan 04)


lindsey v said...

He's the cutest little miniature cowboy I've ever seen!

tammy said...

that shirt is so cute! and all those pictures are so cute! You should never get rid of that shirt. Today Eva wore her jeans and a cowgirl shirt. Kids are so fun.

Jessica said...

You are so good at saving old clothes until they are in style again. Your kids are so cute. I think it's ok to post multiple pictures...I used to worry that people would get sick of all my pictures but I decided this is my blog and if I want 6 pictures of Edmond playing with his cars, then that's ok. It's too hard to choose a favorite sometimes.

Rena said...

He is getting so big and is so crazy handsome!! cute shirt!

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