Monday, March 3, 2008


I was tagged by my friend Lindsay! So here it goes...
How long have you and your significant other been together?
Married- 7 1/2 years
Dating/Hanging Out- 10 years

Who eats more?
Adam- just by a smidgen though.

Who said "I love you" first?
Adam- it's a funny story!

Who is taller?

Who sings better?
Adam.....although you wouldn't know from church.....

Who is smarter?
We both have our strengths. Adam has such a good memory and he's really philosophical. I'm the sensible one!! ;)

Who does the laundry?
I do! I'm trying to think of the last time Adam washed a load...........

Who does the dishes?
Adam helps sometimes, but I do it most of the of my pet peeves are dirty dishes in my sink!!

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?

Who pays the bills?
I do!

Who mows the lawn?
I do mostly- it's a great workout! I'm starting to see a trend!

Who cooks dinner?
I cook on Tuesday nights and my dinner group girls cook on Mon, Wed, and Thurs. It's fun!!

Who drives when you are together?
We take turns.......usually if we are going somewhere Adam wants, like to his parents, he'll drive and vice versa. (Sorry if that weirds you out Linds S!)

Who is more stubborn?
Oh.....I am so, so stubborn.

Who is the first to admit when they're wrong?
Adam is usually really great about that. But I'm usually not wrong! Ha! Ha!

Whose parents do you see the most?
Adam's. (He works with his Dad!)

Who kissed who first?
Adam for sure!

Who proposed?

Who is more sensitive?
I think I am! But he's pretty sensitive too........don't let him fool you, he puts on a tough front.

Who has more siblings?
Me- 5 brothers and 5 sisters, Adam only has 3 sisters.

I am tagging Linds V., Misty, Jesse and Marianne (it'll give you something to do while you wait!). Ha! Ha! If you don't know how to do it, you just copy and paste it into your posts and change the answers to your own........I didn't know either!

1 comment:

MiStY said...

Hey Sini! It was fun to read about you:o) The funny thing is that we (The Snow Chicks) were there for a lot of the fun between you and Swalz. I love that you visit our blog a lot! I'm glad that somebody does..... Add your email address sometime and we could chat etc. Your little Ollie is so cute in his birthday blog. Did you really think this would ever be us? I swear it's so surreal sometimes looking and yours and Tori's and Jessica's and Jesse Spencer's blogs. We're just all grown up aren't we or at least pretending really well.

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