Monday, November 7, 2011


 We've been having our first flurries of snow in our little city.
The mountains are covered already, and some of the benches and valleys have had some snow stick.
But this snowglobe snow was last week before we had our first real storm.
There seemed to be a million boys running around my house.
Then suddenly we saw the big flakes.
They ran outside like mad men! 
I love that you can see their tongues out trying to catch some tasty white fluff.

 It reminded me of these other pictures I took earlier in the fall.
Elliott was looking out the window and suddenly yelled- "Our leaves changed color!!"
We all ran out to celebrate.

So glad my boys enjoy the simple things!


Mama Swalz said...

oh i love all those pics!! Such a great time for kds- and just like you said, it's just the simple things! You're the best!

Amy said...

Love it! Those are such fun pics of the snow. Your boys are growing up!

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