Friday, July 25, 2008

Timpanogas Cave

For the 24th of July (Pioneer Day) we decided to go hike Timpanogas Cave. The last time I hiked it was with Adam ten years ago, before he left on his mission! The boys were so excited the night before when we were telling them to go to sleep so they could have energy. Adam woke them up at 7:00 and they were this happy and giddy all the way to the trailhead- they were dying to go hiking! 
Ollie collecting rocks even before we started up the 1.5 mile uphill trail.
Elliott and Benny discovering mountain treasures.
Let the hiking begin!

Adam's Dad, Steve, Sini, Adam, Ollie, Benny, Elliott, Linds, Elli, Brian and Addie.
The views were amazing!! We took it really slow and the kids did suprisingly well!

We made it to the top! E was so excited to get in the cave, but as 
soon as he got inside, he wanted to be out again because it was too cold.

I really felt like I was Wanda in the book 'The Host' the whole time- it was crazy!
Adam, Steve and Brian were all so tall- I can't believe they fit through some of the tight spaces.

"The Heart of Timpanogas"
Warming up outside the cave. 
There were some really steep cliffs to walk on with a 2 and 4 year old! We had to be really careful.

The Swalberg Boys

 I would go on that hike again in a minute. The way down was probably the longest because the kids were tired and we had to carry them or pull them along. We saw lots of little animals and some awesome views of the mountains and valleys! I need to get out into the mountains and hike more.
After a long nap and a trip to the park, we had our own little firework session. It was a great day!


Debra said...

wow! I can't believe that your kiddos did so amazing!! What a fun thing to do for the 24th.

lindsey v said...

You take such good pictures of everything! I looked at mine and I have only like 3 or 4 pictures.

Kent and Julie said...

That looked so fun! I need to take jax up there he would love it!! You are such a fun mom!!

Chelsea said...

Looks like you guys had a ton of fun, I always forget about that place, we need to take Katy up there!

Clayton & Kayley Anderson said...

I like the one of Ollie with his face all scrunched up. Was he going for a funny face? Does your husband know that he looks like Superman? Cause he does!

The Kohler Family said...

That looks like so much fun. I need to get brave and take my kids on some hikes..I'm sure they would love it. I've never been on that looks beautiful!

Rena said...

In all of the 27 years I lived in Utah, I have never been to timpanogas cave and neither has my husband. It looks so beautiful! We are definetly going when we get settled in.

I was going to say that your husband looks like that kid on National Treasure. The funny guy who is Nicolas Cages side kick. I don't know his name. =]

rachel said...

is Adam wearing shorts?! I love the cave, it's so much fun for the kids!

Amy said...

Those pics are so amazing! It's so beautiful up there! What a fun thing to do, I can totally see the boys exploring everything and getting all excited. They are so cute. We miss them (and you) so much!

I'm glad my Dad made it home...ha ha :)

MiStY said...

Sini, I swear you guys have the CUTEST family ever. You do a ton of fun things and you always look so happy! Congratulations! I still love how opposite your boys are. I looks like you have had a fun Summer so far. What's next I wonder??? Can't wait to see......

Tamara with a "T" said...

I love those pictures!!! We were thinking of going to Timp on Tuesday, those pictures make me want to even more. Your boys are so dang cute!!!
K. So I just started reading The Host and I'm on page 10 only and I don't understand it. It's wierd. But I saw that you liked it and so i'm going to keep reading. I'll let you know if I need some explanations!!!

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