Thursday, July 8, 2010

the 3rd

It was fun having July 4th on the weekend! We partied all 3 days with family and friends- it was awesome! On Saturday the 3rd I had my childhood friends and their families over. There were little mini-me's all over the place. Funny to think that we were all friends when we were their ages! We had a yummy BBQ and did some crazy fireworks. The kids got a hold of everyone's cameras, so we all had an interesting array to look at afterward...

Tam (above) and her hubby, Dave (below)

Lyla and Linc
{Ella, Lyla, Linc and Alex}
The babies of the group are all pretty close in age except Ange's Alex who is almost 2.

Ella was such a tiny little girl! She is 3 weeks older than Linc, but so little. Her and Linc were scavenging for food and sharing it with each other!
Brady, Ollie and Chet
Brennan, who is the same age as Elliott

Mini Jill! (Jana)
Baby Duel

We weren't sure how the pics would turn out (thanks to Elliott for mine!) but...
...we got a good one! Jill & Chet, Steph, Lyla & Tyler, Tam & Dave, Ange & Brady, Adam, Linc & Sini.
Busy Baby!!

Can you believe the sunset that night?!

My cute friends- Ange, Sini, Steph, Tam and Jilly
Hopefully we'll be grannies in rockers still getting together someday!
Tyler, Steph and Lyla
The boys all had to get as close as they possibly could to the fireworks.
I love how Savannah is plugging her ears!

The lighting guy.

1 comment:

lindsey v said...

So fun to see everyone in the pics! Cool sunset! I was faced the other way that night waiting for fireworks so I didn't see it.

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