Friday, July 16, 2010

the climber

Linc has a little hobby called climbing. He isn't our first climber, but he might be our busiest. It is hard to keep up with him. Really. But I'm glad he's a busy, happy boyby. Yep. You heard right- I've just coined the phrase "boyby" because he acts like a little boy, but he's still a baby. How come I've never heard it before? Maybe because it's just weird... hehe.

Climbing up into the playhouse...

...climbing up OUT of the playhouse!!!
Helping himself to a gogurt.
At the Highland splash park I was scared for him. He only wanted to be on top of the rocks, but there were big kids who wanted to be there too... you never know when they'll accidentally push him over.

I was in the other room and heard desperate baby cries and this is what I found. He was ready to let go, poor guy. (I guess that didn't stop me from taking a pic now did it?)
Standing on the shirley j soup can. He knows where the snacks are. We try to keep this door closed, but I end up picking (lots of) stuff up at least 5 times a day. Therefore- I can't take the blame for not cleaning up the spilled cereal that you see here. (How embarrassing.) The funny thing is, he hasn't learned to climb out of his crib yet- but I'm sure it's coming. And he can climb on the toilet and up on the counter or the back of the toilet so fast. He turns on the water and puts his feet in (or whatever's on the counter.) I'll put him down and he'll be back up in 2.5 seconds.
Linc also likes to clean out my drawers and cupboards. What a little helper.
He's also been known to do a little of this from time to time. (But what kid doesn't?)

1 comment:

lindsey v said...

I love the one where he's peeking through the stairs. And all of the others too- he's a cutie.

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