Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bear Lake- The McEntire Family

The McEntire's have 12 kids including my Dad, Paul. It is one big, loving family- and I love getting together with them every other year. It's lots of fun to get to know everyone better- even though I'm one of the "old cousins" I guess. It'll be fun watching all the younger ones get married and start families of their own! :)
The Paul and Leena McEntire family- Eric (my bro), Tagen, Ollie, Adam, Lincoln, Sini, Linds (my sis), Addison, Brian, Leena (my mom), Anikka, Mike, Michelle (sis), Baby Melora, Trevor, Ari (bro), Jason, Elliott, Benny and Elli. (Whew! That's not even all of us!)
Jim and Sue McEntire Family
Gerald and Susann Lusk Family
Evan and Helen McEntire Fam- Meeting my cousins, Mark and Mick for the first time was pretty cool. (And their families of course!)
The Wayne and Marcia Wetzel Family
Richard and Sherry McEntire Fam
The Merlin and Penny McEntire Family
Jim and Brenda Hinman Fam
Jared and Anne McEntire Fam
I missed the Scott Family and Yolanda and her daughter. :(
The McEntire sibs- Merlin, Graham, Evan, Jared, Richard, Jim, Susann, Marcia, Brenda and Carolyn. Missing are my dad, Paul (deceased) and Uncle Marvin- who was having some health issues in St. George. We missed him and his family!
The in-laws.

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