Sunday, April 6, 2008

General Conference

General Conference was so great this weekend! It seems like the older I get, the more excited I get to listen to our prophet and other leaders. President Monson is so funny- he just seems so down to earth- I love it! I just love the way I feel when I'm listening to the speakers and after it's all over- it's like I want to go serve and do all the right things and be humble- it's such a cool experience. I know we all hear what we need to and what pertains to our lives out of conference, so for me I felt like I want to enjoy my kids and be there for them while they are young, because they grow up fast. Also to not stress the little things with kids. M. Russell Ballard said, "Treasure the doing more, and the getting it done a little less." Also, I hope to be a little better in all of my little goals and relationships. I really look up to all of the speakers and started thinking what they did in their lives to be such good people, and I think they just gave it their all. They served and did callings without being grumpy (me!) and did all the things they were supposed to. I love these positive feelings of just wanting to be better and at the same time being happy with the people we are- that's what I love about our church! It gives us direction, goals, hope and I love the happiness it brings to me and my family!


Nielson said...

Couldn't agree with you more. Just wish I could've gotten to see President Monsen wiggle his ears...I'll have to watch the Priesthood session when it comes on :)

Ty and Mari said...

I love conference too. I love the inspiration that it gives me to be a better person! It's amazing how you can take a talk and think it was written especially for you!

The Bentley's said...

I agree! and elder ballards was my favorite:) it's so nice to hear from the apostles and prophet and regain perspective on our lives! and loved the ollie money story... too cute!

Jamie said...

I love your blog. Your boys are darling!! I love the picture of them in their neck ties, so grown up :) The post about Tamara, Jill, Ang and Steph was great, those pictures are classic. I miss you guys. We are still in Virginia but maybe one of these days when I'm in Utah I can tag along to one of your fun get-togethers. It was fun to hear from you, I'll be keeping up with your blog!

MiStY said...

Hey Sini I couldn't havesaid it better. Thanks for your testimony. You are so great and you're one of those positive people that does great things! I loved President Uchtdorf's message Sunday morning too! Love Pres Monson too, he was so cute when he talked about his wife :o). Carry on then til next time....

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